learning silkscreen printing at the New England
School of Photography in Boston, my instructor gave
us the assignment to create a print that told
something about ourselves. I knew Suzie was going to
take a picture of herself and her teddy bear and
Chuck was going to be standing by his car and Bob
was going to be holding a hamburger. This thought
horrified me. I wasn’t out to my classmates, so I
knew immediately what I had to do. I
asked my best friend if I could borrow his boyfriend
for the photograph (he was the right height and had
chest hair).
After the shot, I locked myself
into one of the private darkrooms to make the
separations. I waited until late at night on
Friday to do the printing while everyone else was
out partying. No one was going to see this until
the critique.
The day of the critique arrived
and, sure enough, Suzie had a picture of herself
and her teddy bear. “Great,” the instructor said
disinterestedly. “Suzie likes teddy bears, but
what does that tell me about Suzie? Nothing.
Next?” Chuck standing by his car was next. And Bob
holding a hamburger after that. All received the
same treatment from the instructor. I felt
ripped-off and said so. “Well!” said my
classmates. “If yours is so good, let’s see it!”
“I’m going last” I declared. There was many
attempts to make me go next, but I refused. The
rest of the class followed in the footsteps of
Suzie, Chuck, and Bob. And all were quickly
dismissed by the instructor.
Finally it was my turn. I got up
from my seat, pinned the print on the board in
front of the class, then turned around and looked
each one of them in the eye before sitting down.
There was dead silence.
My instructor smiled for the
first time that entire day.
Finally someone said,
“That’s...that’s two MEN!!”
“That’s right,” I said. “I’m
The print was an immediate hit
and I was pressured (not against my will) to
display it in the entry hall of the school. There
was no way anyone who entered the school could
avoid seeing it. All of my other classes wanted me
to bring it for their critiques as well. The
response was overwhelming and positive. I’m glad I
did it.